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    A Church of passionate disciples : rethinking church membership


    [...]e into being, many things have changed and our
    Regulations may no longer serve us well. Who may vote at meet[...]page 10
    6. Appendix 1 Current Regulations[...]
    [...]r them it has little to do with formalities or
    regulations. They may never have been baptised, or bap[...]er community.

    1.5 One key problem is that the Regulations currently state that only confirmed member[...]
    [...]in their own church (e.g. Anglican, Baptist). The regulation regarding
    members-in-association is rep[...]
    [...]be helpful? Is this an improvement on the current Regulations?

    Question 6
    What difficulties do you e[...]
    Appendix 1

    The current Uniting Church Regulations state:

    Forms of Membership
    1.1.2 The members[...]granted such
    recognition in accordance with Regulations 1.1.11 .and 1.1.12.

    The Regulations also currently say that:
    • Only confirmed mem[...]2 and 3.6.2)

    Regarding members-in-association, Regulations 1.1.11 states:
    “A person may apply to[...]
    [...]changes to the Constitution and Regulations;
    (iii) to direct the Stan[...]

