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Basis of Union, Constitution & Regulations 2018 with Covenanting Statement,[...] | |
[...]Page 31 CONSTITUTION[...]57 to 61 7. Regulations, by-laws, rules and standing orders[...]70 to 73 REGULATIONS[...]Membership Regulation 1.1 to 1.8.2 2. Ministry[...]6.1 to 6.12 ALTERNATIVE REGULATIONS FOR KOREAN CONGREGATIONS Page 231 INDEX TO CONSTITUTION AND REGULATIONS Page 2[...] | |
[...]his end the Uniting Church makes provision in her constitution for the following: (a) The Congreg[...] | |
[...]his end the Uniting Church makes provision in its constitution for the following: (a) The Congregation[...] | |
The Uniting Church in Australia CONSTITUTION 39 | |
[...]12th Assembly, 2009. The Preamble to the Interim Constitution is located at the end of this edition of the Constitution. 42 | |
CONSTITUTION NAME 1. The Church shall be known by the name of[...]by its Basis of Union. DEFINITIONS 3. In this Constitution unless the context or subject matter other[...] | |
[...]Western Australia. Prescribe means prescribe by Regulation, rule, or by-law made pursuant to this Constitution. Second Peoples are all those peoples who[...] | |
[...]enever a power is conferred upon any body by this Constitution such power may be exercised from ti[...] | |
[...]misconduct. APPEAL 11. The Assembly shall make Regulations providing for any person whose membership[...] | |
[...]decisions on all matters committed to it by this Constitution. (b) Without limiting the gene[...]any other body which contravenes this Constitution or Regulations of the Assembly; (vi) subject to the provisions of this Constitution to provide for the contro[...]vested in any other council by this Constitution; (ix) to delegate to a[...] | |
[...]responsibilities of a Presbytery under this Constitution and the Regulations (including ordination and o[...] | |
[...]nd dealt with in accordance with the rules, regulations, by-laws and resolutions made by or under[...]for the Church and in that event the rules, regulations, by-laws and resolutions of the Assembly an[...] | |
[...]stablished in ac- cordance with this Constitution the relevant councils, committees, courts,[...]out by them prior to union, having regard to this Constitution and any relevant regulations, rules and by-laws of the Church. ([...]ommittee power to make, rescind or vary any Regulation, no Regulation so made or any rescission or variation of any Regulation shall take effect until approved by the St[...] | |
[...]DIVISION 7 REGULATIONS, BY-LAWS, RULES AND STANDING ORDERS 62. The Assembly may make Regulations not inconsistent with this Constitution pre- scribing all matters which by this Constitution are required or permitted to be pre- scribe[...]d for carrying out or giving effect to this Constitution or for the life of the Church. 63. A Synod may make by-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution or with Regula- tions made by the Assembly prescribing all matters which by this Constitution are required or permitted to be prescribed[...]r the carrying out or giving effect to this Constitution or for the life of the Church within that Synod.[...]sbytery may make rules not inconsistent with this Constitution or with any relevant Regulations and by-laws prescribing all matters which are req[...]ed for carrying out or giving effect to the Constitution in respect of all matters within the oversight and responsibility of the Presbytery. 65. Any such Regulations, by-laws or rules may delegate to any specified body power to make regulations, by-laws or rules for any of the purposes for which regulations, by- laws or rules may be made under this Constitution. 66. Any Regulation, by-law or rule may be rescinded or varied[...]rescribe for the giving of notice of any proposed Regulations, by-laws, rules and standing orders[...]their respective meetings. 69. Subject to this Constitution each council or other body within the Chur[...] | |
[...]71. All rulings as to the interpretation of this Constitution or any of the Regulations made by the Assembly shall be made by the Pr[...]ing Com- mittee on its behalf. AMENDMENT OF CONSTITUTION 72. This Constitution or such later Constitution as may be adopted may be amended by th[...] | |
THE UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA PREAMBLE TO INTERIM CONSTITUTION (Replaced by the 12th Assembly, 2009) WHEREAS th[...]ney on the 22nd day of June 1977 has adopted this Constitution as the Interim Constitution of The Uniting Church in Australia for the organi[...]at regard or until repealed and replaced by a new Constitution in accordance with the relevant decisions[...] | |
[...] Audit, Finance and Risk Committee 3.8 Regulations that Apply to All Councils and Congregations[...]ations 3.10.1 Exemption and Alternative Regulations 3.10.2 Alterations to Regulations 4. Property 4.1 Definitions 4.2 Synod Pro[...] | |
Constitution of Appeal Committee 6.8 Responsibilities o[...] | |
[...]indicates, the definitions in Paragraph 3 of the Constitution shall apply to words when used in the Regulations and Beneficiary Fund means the Beneficiary Fund established pursuant to Regulation 3.1.6(d); Code of Ethics means the Code of Ethic[...]ich specific responsibilities are assigned by the Constitution or by any Regulation, by-law or rule; Youth Worker means a per[...]TE: – the word “Korean” in brackets after a Regulation indicates that there is an approved alternative Regulation for Korean congregations. The alternative Regulations are found elsewhere in this publication.][...] | |
[...]recognition in accordance with Regulations 1.4.1. and 1.4.2. 1.2 BAPTISED[...] | |
[...]led as a member-in-association in accordance with Regulation 1.4.1(b) continues to p[...] | |
[...]f appeal as those set out in Regulation 5.2.3. INSPECTION OF ROLLS BY PRESBYTERY[...] | |
[...]een approved in accordance with these Regulations; Certificated Candidate means[...]rd, Deacon or Deaconess (see Para 3, Constitution); Ordinand means a candidate who ha[...]inisterial Placements referred to in Regulation; Period of discernment mean[...]on panel means the selection panel referred to in Regulation; Student means a person who[...]MINISTRIES DUTIES OF A MINISTER (See Para 3, Constitution) 2.2.1 (a) Within the ministry of the wh[...] | |
[...]f a Minister as prescribed in Regulations 2.2.1(a) and (b) are being exercised. DEFINITION[...]the exercise of the responsibilities outlined in Regulation 2.2.2(a), shall be mad[...] | |
[...]g any of the tasks set out in Regulation 2.2.2(a) in ministry locations designated[...]E OF THE MINISTRY OF YOUTH WORKER 2.2.4 In these Regulations Youth Worker means a person accredited by[...] | |
[...]ministry of the Church. (b) In Regulations 2.2.6, 2.4.8, 2.7.6, 2.9.6 and 2.9.7 unless the c[...]prior to making an application under Regulation has 86 | |
[...]the National Executive of Congress under Regulation, an academic qua[...] | |
[...]is prescribed under these Regulations or as may be required by[...]course of study as set out in these Regulations. (c) Acceptance as a studen[...]n as a candidate, in which case Regulations 2.3.1 to shall apply. PRESBYTERY RESPONS[...]application in accordance with the Regulations. The Presbytery or a des[...] | |
[...]n considering its report and recommendation under Regulation the Presbytery[...]satisfy itself regarding the matters mentioned in Regulation, and have regard, am[...]yed to it in accordance with Regulation and (d) Where[...]tion panel constituted under Regulation, the Congress Min[...]information conveyed to it in accordance with Regulation and SELEC[...]terial Education Board pursuant to Regulation and a representative a[...] | |
[...]ttee, in accordance with paragraph (e) (d)of this Regulation. RIGHT OF APPEAL AGAINST A DECISION OF THE PRESB[...]nt may appeal against a decision made pursuant to Regulation, or or 2.3.[...]n followed in accordance with the Regulations. (b) The appeal is to[...]the selection committee constituted under Regulation to reconsider t[...]ay be shall deal with the application in terms of Regulations to,[...] | |
[...]Presbytery in accordance with Regulation or (c) may appeal to the[...]Panel to be dealt with under Part 6 of these Regulations. (d) The Presbytery must[...] | |
[...]tion Board in accordance with Regulation or (b) may appeal to the National Exec[...]lt with under Part 6 of these Regulations. (d) The candidate’s Re[...]nsidering and determining applications made under Regulation 2.3.3(a) the appointin[...] | |
[...]d as provided for under these Regulations or is transferred to the pastoral care[...] | |
[...]N OF MINISTRY OF PASTOR 2.4.6 An applicant under Regulation 2.3.3 shall be recognised as a Pastor when:[...]hdrawn under the provisions of Regulation 2.10.3(a), and who is in good standing wit[...] | |
[...]ter. YOUTH WORKER ACCREDITATION 2.4.9 Subject to Regulation 2.10.6, the accreditation of a Youth Worke[...] | |
[...]ATION TO SERVE IN A PLACEMENT 2.5.1 (a) This Regulation shall apply to any minister of another den[...] | |
[...]here an application made under Regulation 2.5.2 has been completed and the result of that a[...](i) take account of the matters referred to in Regulation 2.5.1(d), the stan[...] | |
[...]en rejected by the Synod under Regulation 2.5.2(d) may appeal on the grounds that the process followed did not comply with these Regulations. The appeal shall be dealt with under Part 6 of these Regulations. ROLE OF THE ASSEMBLY IN THE ADMISSION OF[...](b) The guidelines referred to in Regulation 2.5.3(a) shall include a requi[...]recognised for the purposes of this RegulationRegulation the Assembly or the body which it designat[...] | |
[...]dealt with under Part 6 of these Regulations. The Assembly shall give written notice of[...]al as is prescribed under these Regulations or as may be required by the Presbytery or by[...]application in accordance with the Regulations. (e) The Presbytery or a desi[...] | |
[...]nveyed to it in accordance with Regulation 2.5.4 (c), (d) and (e). The Presbytery mus[...] | |
[...]nsidered by the Presbytery in Regulation 2.5.4 (f ). (d) The Synod panel[...]nt may appeal against a decision made pursuant to Regulation 2.5.4(g) or 2.5.5 (d). The appeal[...]n accordance with Part 6 of these Regulations. (b) The appeal is to be m[...] | |
[...]for Discipline pursuant to Regulation. 5.7.4(r)(iii) or (v), or by[...] | |
[...]approved placement as provided in these Regulations. (c) A call to a placement g[...] | |
[...](ii) to Ministers received under Regulation 2.5.1 in respect of their in[...]Presbytery with the exceptions listed in Regulation 2.6.5(a). The Presbytery shall[...]eption of placements listed in Regulations 2.6.5(a). (f) ) Assembly p[...] | |
[...]authority has been delegated under Regulation 3.7.3(b)(vi), of the Pastoral[...]resbytery, the principles set out in Regulation 2.6.6 shall be followed as closely as poss[...] | |
[...]f Pastor for the purposes of these Regulations when (i) the position descrip[...]includes one or more of the tasks named in Regulation 2.2.2; and the Pre[...] | |
[...]nd ten years except as provided in Regulation 2.6.8. (b) Placements othe[...] | |
[...]ear shall be determined in accordance with Regulation 2.6.7. CONDITIONS OF APPOINTMENT FOR COMM[...] | |
[...]subject to the Code of Ethics and Part 5 of these Regulations. 116 | |
(c) A person who satisfies the provisions of Regulation 2.9.5(a) and who would if a Min[...]person serving in accordance with this Regulation such a person shall (except in[...]ter) subject to Part 5 of these Regulations; (c) in the exercise of thei[...] | |
[...]ccording to the procedures in this Regulation. (b) Any decision by a P[...] | |
[...]erm of any extension beyond ten years pursuant to Regulation 2.6.8 except on the same condi[...]accordance with Part 6 of these Regulations. The appeal shall be directed[...] | |
[...]ee for Discipline pursuant to Regulation 5.7.4(r)(vi), subject to the Regulations relating to appeal. Where a Pastor is appointed to an approved placement the Regulations related to the termination of a placem[...]tee for Discipline pursuant to Regulation 5.7.4(r)(vi), subject to the Regulations relating to appeal.[...]Congregation in accordance with Regulation 3.1.4, it determines t[...] | |
[...]ce with the provisions of this Regulation seeks to be reinstated, the Church[...]ccordance with Part 6 of these Regulations. may appeal to the Synod which shall appoi[...]has so determined pursuant to Regulation 5.7.4(r)(vi). (d) In the e[...] | |
[...]editation of a Youth Worker shall, subject to the Regulations relating to appeal, be withdra[...]Discipline has so determined pursuant to Regulation 5.7.4(r)(vi). WITHDRAWAL OF RECOGNITION OF A LAY[...]ee for Discipline pursuant to Regulation 5.7.4(r)(vi), subject to the Regulations relating to appeal. 2.11 COLLEGIA[...] | |
[...]issued after the change in accordance with Regulation 2.11.1(a). 124 | |
[...]n any determinations made under this Regulation. [Korean] MINISTRY TEAMS 2.11.3 (a) Chu[...] | |
[...]RESPONSIBILITIES OF A CONGREGATION (See Para 23, Constitution) 3.1.1 (a) A Congregation, as the emb[...]in accordance with the Regulations; (See Reg. 2.6.6) (vi)[...] | |
[...]PONSIBILITIES OF THE CHURCH COUNCIL (See Para 24, Constitution) 3.1.2 (a) The Church Council shall give priorit[...](iii) making decisions in accordance with the Regulations concerning baptism, co[...]; (See Part 1 of these Regulations) (iv) assisting the[...]carrying out its functions in accordance with the Regulations concerning applicants[...]in accordance with the Regulations; (See Reg. 4.4.1) (x)[...] | |
RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRESBYTERY (See Para 26, Constitution) 3.1.3 Without limiting the generality of the re[...]esbytery as set out in Paragraph 26 of the Constitution, a Presbytery shall be responsible for:[...]ters in accordance with Regulations 5.4.1 – 5.4.3 (ii) ensurin[...]tee in accordance with Regulations 3.7.3(b) and 5.4.3(a) (b) maint[...]within the bounds in accordance with Regulation 3.1.4; (iii) receiving and de[...]and Church Councils as provided for in Regulation 3.3.3(d) and the[...] | |
[...]ng change of ordained ministry in accordance with Regulation; Ordination,[...] | |
[...]of a Minister not classified under Regulation 2.6.1(e) to become an[...]the relevant Acts and Regulations; (ii) submitting Pres[...] | |
[...]ink fit. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SYNOD (Para 32, Constitution) 3.1.5 The Synod in respect of those matters committed to it by the Constitution or which may hereafter be assigned to it,[...]fore it for which no precise or sufficient Regulation has been made and the use of such power shall be[...]ynod as set out in Paragraph 32 of the Constitution, a Synod shall be responsible for:[...] | |
[...]eries within the Synod in accordance with Regulations 3.4.6 - 3.4.7 ; (c) selecting those from the[...]embers of the Assembly in accordance with Regulation 3.3.8; (d) co-operating in the: (i)[...]om other denominations in accordance with Regulation 2.5.1; (f) ) overseeing the colleges and sch[...]ucation within the bounds, in accordance with the Regulations, including: (i) ensuring th[...] | |
[...]exercised in accordance with the Regulations and where necessary providing[...]ee Part 5 and Part 6 of these Regulations) Property (k) p[...]bounds, in accordance with the property Regulations, including: (i) appo[...]visions of the property Regulations; (iii) appointing an o[...]property; (See Part 4 of these Regulations) (l) making Synod by-laws pursuant to the Constitution and Regulations; (m) appointing a Standin[...]n respect of those matters committed to it by the Constitution (Para 38) or which may hereafter be assign[...]fore it for which no precise or sufficient Regulation has been made and the use of such power shall be[...]set out in Paragraph 38 and 39 of the Constitution, the Assembly shall be responsible[...] | |
[...]AND ISLANDER CHRISTIAN CONGRESS (See Division 4, Constitution) MEMBERSHIP 3.2.1 (a) All Aboriginal and[...] | |
[...]in the Congregation; (ii) subject to Regulation 2.9.4(b), Pastors serving within the[...]in-Association in accordance with Regulation 2.11.1; (v) subject to parag[...] | |
[...]tances other than in Regulation 3.3.3(d)); or (iii)[...] | |
[...]sters in accordance with Regulation 2.9.7; (d) (i) One confirmed[...] | |
[...]f the Presbytery in accordance with Regulation 3.3.4. (b) Associate members of the[...]s of Presbytery in accordance with Regulation 3.3.4(c)(ii) and (d) shall be elected or a[...] | |
[...]e with the provisions of Regulation 3.3.7(d). (b) The total number of l[...]appointed or elected in accordance with Regulations 3.3.7(a)(iii) – (vi). MEMBERSHIP OF THE[...] | |
[...]er of members of the Assembly pursuant to Regulation 3.3.8 (i) -(iii); (v) Ministers and confirmed[...]l number of members appointed pursuant to Regulation 3.3.8 (i) – (iii).[...] | |
[...]lay persons as are necessary to comply with Regulation 3.3.8(a)(iii)(5). (b) Nominations[...]he event of any person elected in accordance with Regulation 3.3.9(a) being unable t[...] | |
[...]pose, functions and responsibilities specified in Regulation 3.1.1. (b) A Presbytery may dis[...](c) In the application of this Regulation: (i) the Presbyte[...] | |
[...](b) In the application of this Regulation: (i) the Presbyte[...] | |
[...]all or some of the responsibilities described in Regulation 3.1.2. FORMATION OF A PRESBYTERY 3.4.6 ([...] | |
[...]eetings of the Congregation, (referred to in this Regulation as voting members):[...] | |
[...]s of paragraphs 41, 42 and 43 of the Constitution. (b) The date and place of[...] | |
[...]nd other matters in accordance with Regulations; (vi) performing such other duties[...] | |
of this Regulation have been waived by the Assembly in respect of th[...]ch as may be required by any Regulation, by-law or rule;[...] | |
[...]solution of the Assembly or interpretation of the Constitution or Regulations or a decision as to whether the action of any[...]body within the Church conforms to the Constitution, the relevant Regulations, by-laws or rules; (iii[...] | |
[...](c) Any committees established pursuant to Regulation 3.7.2(a)(iv) shall have[...] | |
[...]a task group established under Regulation 3.7.2(a)(iv); however, no task group[...](vii) dealing with complaints as set out in the Regulations on Church Discipl[...] | |
[...]ER BODIES SYNOD STANDING COMMITTEE (See Para 36, Constitution) Membership (a) The membership o[...]ointed in accordance with this Regulation. The Standing Committe[...] | |
[...]Pastors considered suitable for placement under Regulation 2.6.6. MINIS[...] | |
[...]h responsibilities as provided in Regulations in relation to Aboriginal and I[...] | |
[...]or deferral of studies (see Regulation 2.4.1(b)) (iii) either separately or[...]the Church in the period of discernment (see Regulation 2.3.1). (iv)[...]shall undertake all responsibilities in Regulation not otherwise legislated for in the constitution and by-laws of the theological college[...] | |
[...]hed by Synods shall be subject to the Regulations and decisions of the Assembly in relation[...] | |
[...]ities so incurred. Subject to Regulation, all investments borrowings and other transactions authorised by this Regulation are to be made in the name of[...]NSTITUTIONS (a) For the purposes of this Regulation, unless the context or subject matter[...] | |
[...]bject to any relevant provisions contained in any constitution or any other instrument relating to t[...]nd responsibilities given to the Synod under this Regulation. (i) In relation to an institution, and[...]s concerned: (i) The constitution or other instrument whereby an institution[...]ranting or approving the constitution or other instrument whereby the[...]nd the operation of such constitution or instrument, notwithstanding any provisions within the constitution or other instrument. (2) No alteration of such constitution or other instrument[...] | |
[...]BODIES ASSEMBLY STANDING COMMITTEE (See Para 47, Constitution) Membership (a) The Ass[...] | |
[...]nd the way in which the responsibilities named in Regulation may be exe[...] | |
[...]a new committee is appointed according to Regulation (d) Casual vacancies may be filled[...](5) compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards and best p[...] | |
[...]sented. (f) Except as provided in Regulation )(i), a quorum for a meetings[...] | |
[...]untant. For the purpose of this Regulation a qualified accountant means:[...] | |
[...]Notional stipend for the purpose of this Regulation means the amount deter[...] | |
[...]in addition to those listed in Regulation 3.3.1. The Church Council may nominate to[...] | |
[...]members-in-association (as listed in Regulation 1.6.1), the Presbytery may, at the[...]to operate under these Regulations and forms a Church Council under Regulation 3.3.1; or[...]longer period authorized under (c) of this Regulation , as the case may be. (c) This Regulation shall cease to apply to the Congregation and the[...]Council in accordance with the Regulation 3.3.1 at the expiry of a period of 12 mont[...] | |
[...]sociation. (See Reg. 3.8.5). (e) Regulation 3.3.1(b) does not apply to Congregations in which[...]TIVES AND ALTERATIONS EXEMPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE REGULATIONS 3.10.1 The Assembly in plenary session, or its S[...]exemption from compliance with all or any of the Regulations; and (b) may make alternative Regulations in respect of all or any such matters[...]e granting of an exemption from compliance with a Regulation or Regulations does not have the effect of exempting[...]or other body from complying with the Constitution and other Regulations. ALTERATIONS TO REGULATIONS 3.10.2 (a) These and any other Regulations may be amended by addition, deletion[...] | |
[...]any such proposal involves an amendment to the Regulations. (b) Amendments to the Regulations shall have effect from the time of passing[...]y specify. (c) Any act or decisions made under Regulations prior to the amendment thereof shall not be[...]subsequently be varied to comply with the amended Regulations if so directed by the Assembly or other body concerned. (d) Any body within the Church affected by Regulations may request the Assembly to amend the Regulations.[...] | |
property matters as provided by these Regulations having regard to:[...] | |
[...]ESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPERTY 4.4.1 Subject to the Regulations, the by-laws of the Synod and the rules of[...](b) subject to clause (e) of this Regulation, determine the use of land and[...] | |
[...]od in accordance with Regulation 3.8.7(b); (vii) appropriate[...]any of the matters referred to in Regulation 4.4.2(a), notwithstanding tha[...]In exercising the responsibilities set out in Regulation 4.4.1 the Church Council may itself c[...]in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 4.10.1.[...] | |
[...]s given in accordance with the Regulations. LEASES 4.6.2 (a) Subject to paragraph (b) of this Regulation, a lease shall not be granted[...] | |
[...]Officer of the Synod. (g) This Regulation applies notwithstanding anything elsewhere contained in the Regulations. PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS 4.6.3 (a) Subject[...]specified in paragraph (b) of this Regulation may be entered into without the prior[...]the acquisition, sale, mortgage or (subject to Regulation 4.6.2) lease of[...] | |
[...]as described in the Regulations; and (ii) give all[...]by or on behalf of a Property Trust and to which Regulation 4.6.3 applies, shall be submitted to the[...]osal has been approved in accordance with Regulation 4.6.3. EXECUTION OF DEEDS 4.7.2 Any deed, inst[...]ng to any property or matter to which the Regulations apply which, if made or executed by an ind[...] | |
[...]UNSAFE BUILDINGS 4.11.1 (a) Notwithstanding any Regulation or by-law, a Synod Property Officer or[...]es not comply with any governmental regulation or requirement or is reported to the Synod[...] | |
[...]nod pursuant to this Regulation; (v) after consultation[...]when a recommendation is made pursuant to Regulation 4.11.1(a). INDEMNITY 4.11.2 (a) Any perso[...] | |
[...]responsibilities listed in Regulation 4.4.1 and other relevant Regulations of the Church will b[...] | |
[...]h under Part 6 of these Regulations (d) The Presbytery[...]nsibilities mentioned in Regulation 4.11.9(a)(iii) be jointly undertaken if[...]memorandum of understanding made pursuant to Regulation 4.11.9(a) or a decision made in accordance with Regulation 4.11.9(c). ([...]s in the implementation of this Regulation. Where there is more than one P[...]es of the Presbytery under this Regulation will be exercised by one or both of them. CLASSI[...]ALTERNATIVE MISSIONAL USE 4.11.10 (a) In this Regulation: (i) “Alternative Mis[...] | |
[...]bytery and a Congregation as referred to in Regulation 4.11.9 (b)[...] | |
[...]gregation as described in the Regulations; (ii) the Presbytery and th[...]standing a resolution of the Synod referred to in Regulation 4.11.10 (b)(ii), responsibilit[...] | |
[...]t a decision pursuant to Regulation 4.11.10 (b)(ii) to classify property as available[...]s not in accordance with Regulations 4.11.10(a),(b), (c) and (d); (ii[...]ed under Part 6 of these Regulations; and 4.11.11 The Assembly determines th[...]rate allowed for in paragraph 56 of the Constitution shall be UCA Assembly Ltd.[...] | |
[...]DEFINITIONS 5.1.1 In this Part 5 of the Regulations unless the context or subject matter otherwise[...]means a Minister as defined in Paragraph 3 of the Constitution, and also includes a Community[...] | |
[...]al counsel in accordance with Regulation 5.2.1 (a) that member may be requested by[...] | |
[...]roll of a Congregation pursuant to Regulations may have it reinstated by a decision of the[...]pply, to the exclusion of the process outlined in Regulation 5.2.1. (b) The Policies for t[...] | |
[...]LITIES OF THE PRESBYTERY 5.4.2 Subject to these Regulations, the counselling and discipline of Minister[...] | |
[...]e withdrawn for the purposes of this Regulation, if that person, for any reason, be unwilli[...] | |
[...]for the purpose of deciding on action which the Regulations authorise it to take. Its tools inclu[...]om the complaint is made. DEFINITIONS 5.6.2 In Regulations 5.6.1 to 5.6.18, unless the context or sub[...] | |
[...]ints Committee appointed by the Synod pursuant to Regulation 5.6.4; Complaint means a written, signed complai[...]ster means a Minister (as that term is defined in Regulation 5.1.1) or Candidate (as that term is defined in Regulation 2.1.1) involved in field education; Pastoral Rel[...]cedural Fairness refers to the matters set out in Regulation 5.6.11(a); Sexual misconduct means one or[...] | |
[...]against a Minister the procedures in Regulations 5.6.3 to 5.6.18 inclusive shall apply to the exclusion of the procedures contained in Regulations 5.4.1 to 5.5.1 inclusive.[...] | |
[...]subject to paragraph (j) of this Regulation, be three, of whom the m[...] | |
[...]ate complaint made pursuant to Regulation 5.6.10 (e) (iii) or a composite complaint made pursuant to Regulation 5.6.10 (e) (iii) in such manner as it shal[...] | |
[...]onduct as defined in these Regulations; (iii) inform the person o[...] | |
[...]s possible. (d) Nothing in these Regulations shall prevent a person from making an[...]the other Synod (refer Constitution paragraph 70(d)), in which case the[...] | |
[...]In exercising its responsibilities under these Regulations, the Committee shall h[...]graph (e) of this Regulation. (c) The nature of the in[...] | |
[...]Discipline to be dealt with as a complaint under Regulation 5.7.2; (vi[...] | |
[...]aragraph (e) (v) of this Regulation. (g) Where the Committee determine[...]dealt with as a complaint under Regulation 5.7.2(b) or referral to another council of[...] | |
[...]he complaint and, subject to these Regulations, that Presbytery shall be responsible[...]relating to a complaint under Regulations 5.5.1ff and, in the case of a complaint referred under Regulation 5.6.5(e)(v), the conclusion of all processes relating to the complaint under Regulations 5.7.1ff, unless the Presbytery[...]omplaint may continue to be processed under these Regulations, notwithstanding the c[...]NTIALITY AND PRIVACY 5.6.14 (a) Subject to these Regulations confidentiality shall be observed by all[...] | |
[...]he Committee for Discipline under Regulation 5.7.2 (b). (h) A breach of confident[...]irperson made pursuant to Regulation 5.6.3(b); (ii) against a deter[...]ommittee made pursuant to Regulation 5.6.10(e)(i); or (iii) on the g[...]a decision of the Committee under Regulation 5.6.10.(e)(v) or (vi). (c) Th[...] | |
[...]against a decision made pursuant to Regulation 5.6.10(a) the appeal committe[...]of an appeal against a decision made pursuant to Regulation 5.6.10(e) (i) or on th[...] | |
[...]lfully failed to comply with any provision of the Constitution, of any Regulation, rule or resolution of the Church or any b[...]utcome or Agreed Outcome under Regulation 5.6.10, or any lawful direction of the Moderator made pursuant to Regulation; (c) advocated doctrin[...]drawn for the purposes of this Regulation, if that person, for any reason, be unwilli[...] | |
[...]onsibilities of the Moderator under Regulation may, at any time following the[...] | |
[...]complaint under Part 5 of the Regulations if such action be considered necessary for the[...]ommittee at which the report under Regulation 5.7.4(t) is presented, and any housing then occup[...]ermined in accordance with the Regulations governing such funds but any period during which a Respondent is stood aside pursuant to Regulation 5.7.5(a) shall not be included[...]el to be dealt with under Part 6 of these Regulations. STAY OF PROCEEDINGS 5.7.8 Where the S[...]as referred an appeal in accordance with Regulation 5.7.7, the Standing Committee may determine that[...]any decisions made or actions taken pursuant to Regulations 5.7.4(r) or (s) be suspended on s[...] | |
[...]6. APPEALS (These amended Appeal Regulations; being Part 6; and Regulations (a); 2.5.6 (a); 2.10.4 (d); 4.11.9 (c) (i[...]of appeal specifically granted elsewhere in these Regulations where reference is made to this Part 6 or a Regulation within Part 6; ie Regulations (a);; 2.5.2 (f ); 2.5.3 (f ); 2.5[...]ndently of specific references elsewhere in these Regulations. 6.2 INTERPRETATION In this Regulation 6: Appeal means an appeal commenced under this Pa[...]ans the committee appointed by the Convenor under Regulation 6.7 to hear an Appeal. Appeal Papers means the documents delivered under Regulation 6.5(c). Appellant means the person who appeals ag[...]Appeal Committee appointed by the Convenor under Regulation 6.7(a). Convenor means the person appointed by the Assembly Standing Committee under Regulation 6.3.3 to convene the Standing Appeal Panel, and i[...]the Chairperson has declared to be a Party under Regulation 6.9.1 (c). Standing Appeal Panel or Panel means the panel of persons appointed under Regulation 6.3. 226 | |
[...]low prescribed procedures under the Constitution or Regulations; (b) that the Original Decision[...]or made a decision contrary to the Constitution, Regulations, by-laws or rules; (c) that the[...] | |
[...]nnot proceed any further. 6.7 APPOINTMENT AND CONSTITUTION OF APPEAL COMMITTEE (a) Unless the Convenor has determined under Regulation 6.6 that the Appeal Papers do not e[...]hear the Appeal, subject to Regulation 6.7 (e) (ii) appoint one of thos[...]e regard to the relevant skills and experience in Regulation 6.3.2(f ));[...] | |
[...]ppeal process specified under Regulation 6.9.2; and (c) may declare wheth[...]unity to provide written comment is a Party under Regulation 6.9.2 (a) or (b). 6.9[...] | |
[...]then, within 7 days of the time expiring under Regulation 6.9.2(a) and (b), the Chairperson[...]responses received under Regulation 6.9.2 (a) and (b); and (ii) gi[...]for the Appellant’s reply under Regulation 6.9.2(c). 6.9.3 General Powers of Appe[...] | |
6.12 CONFIDENTIALITY Except as provided in Regulation 6.11, all matters concerning the Appeal,[...] | |
[...]Australia ALTERNATIVE REGULATIONS FOR KOREAN CONGREGATIONS[...]tee November 2014 The purposes of the Alternative Regulations for Korean Congregations are: • cons[...]e these vary from the Uniting Church Regulations; • to facilitate the recruitm[...]to move to- wards the Uniting Church Regulations unvaried. 1. REGULATION 2.1.1 For the purpose of these alternative Regulations, unless the context or subject mat[...] | |
2. ALTERNATIVE REGULATION RE THE DURATION, TERMINATION AND CONDITIONS[...]shall be in accordance with the Uniting Church Regulations, with these exceptions: (a) Min[...]placement in accordance with Part 5 of the Regulations; or (v) the Synod, on di[...]cordance with Part 5 of the Regulations. (b) After 1 January 2015 there[...]n joining the Uniting Church. 3. ALTERNATIVE REGULATION RE ELDERS In relation to Elders, New Korea[...]ions: (a) following the Uniting Church Regulations, noting that Elders are norma[...] | |
[...]CONGREGATIONAL BY-LAWS Alternative Regulation 3.9.8 BY-LAWS OF A CONGREGATION 3.9.8 Wit[...]ong as such by-laws are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Regulations of the Uniting Church (as varied by any applicable exemptions or alternative Regulations approved under Regulation 3.10.1) and are not inconsistent with[...]DECISION TO FOLLOW THESE ALTERNATIVE REGULATIONS Alternative Regulations 3.9.9 DECISION BY KOREAN CONGREGATIONS CONCERNING THESE REGULATIONS 3.9.9 (i) Korean Congregations which have chosen to follow these alternative Regulations shall automatically transfer to these alternative Regulations on the date on which these alternative Regulations come into effect. (ii) A Korean Congregation which is following these alternative Regulations may decide at any time, by a s[...]es to follow these alternative Regulations. Such a Congregation shall then follow the Uniting Church Regulations unvaried by these alternative Regulations. The Uniting Church Regulations shall not apply retrospectively to decisions take[...]ent edition of the Alternative Regulations. The Congregation shall immediately notify[...] | |
6. ASSEMBLY ACTIONS REVIEW OF THESE ALTERNATIVE REGULATIONS 3.1.8 The Assembly shall review these alternative Regulations as and when it determines. 240 | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]38-48 Alterations to Regulations[...] – Power to exempt from Regulations[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]4.11.4 Constitution 1-73 Amendm[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]3, 14, 17 See Regulations for Ministers Deaconesses 3, 13, 17 See Regulations for Ministers[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]nts of Ministers 57 Interpretation of Constitution 71[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para[...]Word 3, 13, 14, 17 See Regulations for Ministers Ministerial Education Board[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATIONRegulations, by-laws, rules 64-66, 68-69 Re[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]4.11.6 Regulations 62, 65-67 A[...]3.10.2 Regulations, by-laws, rules Assembly[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]6.9 Appointment and Constitution of Appeal Committee[...] | |
CONSTITUTION REGULATION Para Nº[...]4.11.6 Regulations, by-laws, rules and standing orders[...] | |
[...]ibed in the Basis of Union and the context of the Constitution and Regulations of the Church which state the Church’s r[...] | |
[...]by the Basis of Union and defined in the Constitution and Regulations, respecting the rights and resp[...] | |
[...]s a Minister in that placement as outlined in the Regulations (2.2.1 and 2.11.2–3).[...] | |
at the commencement of the Regulations) including competencies, time[...] | |
[...]ithstanding, for ministers in placement the Regulations governing placements will always apply. 10 | |
[...]ered as sexual misconduct (as defined in Regulation 5.6.2). 8.4 It is the responsibility of the[...]breach of this Code in accordance with the Regulations (5.4.1 – 5.5.1) and where appropriate[...]t Complaints Committee as required under Regulation 5.6.7. 8.5 Where breaches of the Cod[...] | |
[...]ch as through a previous policy decision or regulation, it is helpful for the chairperson to raise[...] | |
[...]s the Council has determined otherwise (Regulation 3.8.4(b)). 6. If any member votes i[...] | |
[...]shed in the same volume with each revision of the Constitution and Regulations, and is the standard for meeting procedure[...] | |
MD | |
Basis of Union, Constitution and Regulations | |
Regulations | |
Regulation |
Basis of Union, Constitution and Regulations (2018) SUPERCEDED (2018). UCA Assembly, accessed 22/01/2025,