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    Ministry of Pastor : Core Competencies : assessment resources for Presbyteries



    Assessment Resources for Presbyteries[...]ts are
    available here:


    1. Summary of Core Competencies[...]the Code of Ethics.
    b. Code of Ethics Interview Resource - a series of questions and case studies that may[...]plicant’s behaviour and understandings.

    These resources contain materials prepared by Mr. Craig Mi[...]
    [...]ministry; national initiatives in social justice, community services, Christian education a[...]n for the disadvantaged and marginalised, seeking justice for all UCA[...]
    [...]as or refer them to
    a suitable training course or resource.

    Ministerial Education Commission

    [...]abusive use of power;
    (vii) commitment to justice.


    3.1 RELATIONSHIP[...]


    Ministry of Pastor : Core Competencies : assessment resources for Presbyteries