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[...]APPENDIX F Trade Justice: A Uniting Church View Contents Introducti[...]1. Why a Uniting Church discussion paper on trade justice?..........................................[...]. God's economy: Biblical principles for economic justice...........................................[...]e) Summary: Biblical principles for trade justice.....................................................................12 III. How then should we live? Responding t[...] | |
Trade Justice: A Uniting Church View Introduction 1. Why a Uniting Church paper on trade justice? “Before you’ve finished your breakf[...]ng to this issue, particularly: • Economic Justice - The Equitable Distribution of Genuine Wealth (1[...]prepared by Assembly Social Responsibility and Justice Committee (commended by the National Assembly in 1988) • Dr Ann Wansbrough, A Call to Justice Concerning Employment (1994) Assembly Social Responsibility and Justice Committee • Dr Ann Wansbrough, Trade (Not[...]Perspectives (2006) commissioned by the Justice and International Mission Unit, Synod of V[...] | |
[...]works to create the most efficient allocation of resources.9 Barriers to trade include policies such as tariff[...]Alliance of Reformed Churches, “Covenanting for Justice in the Economy and the Earth”, Accra 200[...] | |
[...]God’s economy: Biblical principles for economic justice The Biblical principles for economic justice discussed in this section can be summarise[...] | |
[...]t - not as a matter of charity but as a matter of justice or rights. As John Wesley noted, what one does no[...]se who fail to uphold God's standards of economic justice. God condemns those who exploit the poor, t[...] | |
[...]or and marginalised, proclaiming God's Kingdom of justice and freedom in which the last will be first and t[...]temple authorities failed to ensure distributive justice, instead excluding the marginalised throug[...]od and failed to conform to God's requirements of justice. In Isaiah, the prophet looks forward to[...]stoph Stuckelberger, “When Trade Services God's Justice. Biblical and ethical flashlights and sugge[...] | |
e) Summary: Biblical principles for trade justice From the above, we can articulate the fol[...] | |
[...]ipate. We must thus show solidarity with and seek justice for those who are marginalised in the global econ[...]of God's kingdom of reconciliation, equality and justice. 8. Advocating for change With our eyes[...]03 Bloomquist, p19. See also Christian Aid, Trade Justice: A Christian response to global Poverty, Ch[...] | |
[...]desired by the local community. • Seek justice for workers. The Church should advocate for the e[...]nizations on both existing and new trade justice efforts. Organisations with which we have establi[...]Pacific The Uniting Church's commitment to trade justice arises not only from a commitment to theological principles of economic justice, but also from its understanding of itself[...] | |
[...]o Australian debates on trade and economic justice (such as on issues of labour mobility and[...] | |
[...]n alternative which witnesses to God's Kingdom of justice and freedom. One of the most powerful ways that t[...]sing to use its purchasing power to promote trade justice. The complexities of international trade[...]ternational trade regime is necessary if economic justice is to be afforded to primary commodity producers[...]ic Civil Society Organisations Statement on Trade Justice, Auckland, 12-14 August 2008 http://www.uim[...] | |
[...]the end of the church's efforts to promote trade justice, but it might well be a good beginning. Th[...]g to purchase Fairtrade and promote trade justice.123 c) Beyond Fairtrade The Fairtrade la[...]tnerships that can be built upon to promote trade justice. The Justice and International Mission Unit of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania is engaged in promoting justice in the garment industry, supporting initiatives s[...]They are also pursuing trade justice in the manufacture of Christian merchandise, thr[...]ement within the Uniting Church to promote trade justice. Churches and the trade justice movement After the Second World War, church organ[...]God, then we must pursue God's vision of economic justice, in which the rights of the poorest and th[...]nities. 124 The Fairwear campaign promoting trade justice in the garment industry. See http://www.fairwear.[...]Trade Orgniasations and speaking out for greater justice in world trade. One example of an IFAT org[...] | |
[...]people of God on the way to the promised hope of justice and abundant life for all.127 Bibliography Bloo[...]bis Books, Maryknoll, 1991. Christian Aid, Trade Justice: A Christian response to global poverty, Ch[...] | |
[...]elberger, Christoph, “When Trade Services God's Justice... Biblical and ethical flashlights and su[...]Alliance of Reformed Churches, “Covenanting for Justice in the Economy and the Earth", Accra 2004.[...] | |
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Trade justice : a Uniting Church (UCA) view |
Trade justice : a Uniting Church (UCA) view (2001). UCA Assembly, accessed 14/10/2024,