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    Anzac Day worship resources for the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli


    Worship Resources

    the Centenary of
    This resource has been compiled by Uniting Church in Australia[...]ar
    the landings at Gallipoli.
    The prayers in this resource have been broken up in light of the four fold structure of wor­
    ship, as found in Uniting in Worship 2: Gathering, Word, Remembrance, and Sending.
    The[...]e first call of the day and within the context of worship sym­
    bolises the trumpet call which heralds the resurrection.

    All the photographs within this resource have been gathered from the Australian War
    Memori[...]each photo where it was available.

    Through this resource, it is our hope, to help people to ponder t[...]

    1. Call to Worship
    2. Prayer of Invocation[...]
    Call to Worship 1

    Today, we recall those who,
    in the tragedy of[...]se may be worthy of their sacrifice.

    Call to Worship 2

    We remember that the young and old
    responded t[...]Trinity,
    who calls us now to service, witness and worship

    Commander of all creation,
    it is your voi[...]
    Call to Worship 3

    In memory of those who offered their lives
    to the One who is made known.

    Call to Worship 4

    With many names, we gather.
    From many p[...]
    Interactive Call to Worship
    Collect pictures of men who served at the[...]
    [...]f The Service of the Lord’s Day in Uniting in
    Worship 2 is called “The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper”. For
    the purposes of this resource we have called this section “Re­
    [...]e Corrado)

    Soldiers of Australia
    gathered now to worship God
    under the badge of the Rising Sun;

    If you would like to use a hymn refer to the resource list earlier in this booklet.



    Anzac Day worship resources for the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli
    Worship Resources
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