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    Item Type: Assembly Resources
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    Resources for the closure of a congregation



    This Resource begins with a brief comment about “property gri[...]g a “Memory Book”.

    Pages 3-10 contain resources which can be used in the “Closing Service” of[...]Permission is given for any or all of these resources can be adapted for local use. Indeed, it
    is expected that the leaders who will be planning worship for the Closure of a Congregation

    These prayers and li[...]y, whose grandfather presented it.
    The Uniting in Worship People’s Books are being taken as a memorial fo[...]being given to the NNN RSL.

    Welcome & Call to Worship

    We come this day to worship God
    as many have worshipped before us.
    We come kn[...]the end of an era
    of almost XX years of Christian worship on this site.

    We come too with the knowledge tha[...]he face of Jesus to illuminate our being.

    Let us worship the God of light who will always be with us.

    Call to Worship or Benediction

    Be confident; hold your he[...]
    this building has been used for your glory
    in worship, prayer, witness and service.

    We thank yo[...]may go forth in obedience to Christ our Lord,
    to worship you in other places,
    wherever the church is found[...]have enough to eat, those who do not have enough resources to live in comfort,
    those who have experie[...]
    [...], this building which was dedicated as a place of worship on (date),
    is now released from its sacred commis[...]regation of your people
    where we will continue to worship and serve you.
    We go in faith and peace
    [...]egations of
    your people where we will continue to worship where we will continue to worship and serve you.

    The cross (or oth[...]Sunday the cross will be dedicated as part
    of the worship in that congregation.

    Release of building
    This building, which was dedicated as a place of worship on XX (date), is now released from its
    the physical connection with over XX years of worship and ministry in this place will be broken.
    Hopefu[...]reaching of God’s word, the prayers prayed, the worship of
    God in song, the sacraments celeb[...]
    [...]ill remain with us.
    whom we encounter in the worship and service of faith communities,
    whose Spirit is[...]beyond time,
    will remain with us.

    Invitation to Worship
    People of God,
    we gather today to mark the closin[...]God” the response is “We give you thanks.”
    Worship (at front of church)
    The baptismal font, the communion table, the pulpit, this whole worship space,
    enable us to thankfully remember the countless services of worship and sacraments
    celebrated in this place,
    and to bring to mind the ministers and lay leaders
    who have led worship. (time of silent remembering)
    For this worship space, Loving God,
    We give you thanks.[...]
    [...]side the church, Loving God,
    We give you thanks.

    Worship leader
    We come together with so many good and tre[...]nuing our life of faith by joining a new place of worship.
    For the life of this faith community which[...]
    [...]ages past and of all the ages that are to be,
    we worship you.
    Loving God,
    God of the compassionate act and[...]you.
    God of the church,
    who brings us together to worship, to learn, and to serve,
    we respond to you[...]face the realities of a different faith community worship.
    Let the old possibilities go,
    so we are r[...]nity.
    There is a clinging to familiar patterns of worship,
    a clinging to familiar ways of serving in[...]
    [...]the way to the cross.
    We move on to fresh ways of worship,
    We move on to serve in new communities of[...]God remains with us,
    Though we sing new songs and worship in new ways.
    God remains with us,[...]
    LITURGY (2)


    Call to Worship
    Now the Lord said to Abram,
    ‘Go fro[...]re of the church

    We come together today to worship in the place where
    Sunday after Sunday you have gathered for years to worship God
    this has been the place where yo[...]
    [...]h member
    ÿ an inspirational moment in a worship service or in a Bible-study or learning gr[...]
    LITURGY (3)

    Welcome, greeting and notices

    Invitation to Worship

    People of God,
    we gather to celebrate the life o[...]g
    the many ways God has blessed lives
    through the worship, life, teaching and service of those years.

    Call to worship (Psalm 150 alt.)

    Praise the Lord! Praise[...]
    and shared their faithful life in this place of worship.
    Thanks to God whose presence has stirred h[...]
    for bible studies and faithful learning,
    for worship leaders both lay and ordained,
    for musicians, ste[...]of thanksgiving (Presbytery Representative)

    This worship space has been a blessing
    to all who have come here and sat in these pews over the years
    for Sunday worship, for Church and Sunday School anniversaries[...]
    [...]egations of your people
    where we will continue to worship and serve you.

    Release of Building[...]
    which was dedicated as a place of worship on [date]
    is now released from its commiss[...]
    [...]the Church, from each

    Call to Worship
    Jesus said, “I am the light of the world[...]o congregations
    who have now decided to
    worship and work together in the name of Christ.
    Thr[...]od has moved the people of Christ
    to join in worship and service
    Over the next few weeks[...]


    Resources for the closure of a congregation
    Worship Resources