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    Being An Intergenerational Church: Resource Paper #7 - Intergenerational Worship Together



    The Uniting Church in Australia seeks t[...]tentionally
    intergenerational. It is offered as a resource for all those who share the dream of a more inter[...]One way of thinking about intergenerational worship is as multi-age worship
    with an intentional intergenerational overlay.

    Intergenerational worship attends to… Some simp[...]• Integrate content
    Intergenerational worship fosters… • Use[...]engagement
    Intergenerational worship engages multiple • Includ[...]context of genuine worship[...]intergenerational groups within worship
    • Preparing[...]ons, invitations and directions
    Intergenerational worship involves the intentional… are c[...]abilities
    Intergenerational worship involves different people,
    representing a range of generations, in the various
    phases of worship

    • Providing intergenerational int[...]Modelling intergenerational engagement in
    • Demonstrating value/ethos of intentional[...]To see the complete set of original AIR Resource Papers and other information, visit the AI[...]


    Being An Intergenerational Church: Resource Paper #7 - Intergenerational Worship Together
    Educational Resource
    Intergenerational Resources Hub